jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

My experience learning English


My experience has been good, a long time a go I don´t can feel peacefully in class of english, because I have had bad experience with my teacher of english and  I have never take confidence someone language, I feel it is very difficult and neither I have want to learn. Now, it has been different because I realize how prejudice about English when we speak, thinking that all this just we found in two school come from EE.UU or England and these not the only. For example in the class when we listen the interview of Isabel Allende and she speak very good without the "accent english" or the other movies from different country.

The blogs have been practical because I don`t give me time for study english, I know it is bad, but sometime I need have a little pressure and this blog it help me a lot and I tray to do good but until I most learn much more. Other point is read much more books, for example, I love read anime comics in spanish, obviusly, but I could do it soon, I need make something funny for learn English in my daily day.    

Also, I think that need to know vocabulary  and fluency when I am talking. I not say that I don´t know anything about English, I used to translate song lyric when I was little but now, alway I am busy with my art proyects. Outside the English class, I just listen music in english and I usually translate the songs when I go in the subway or when I walking. 

Changes to my study program

Hi everyone!

To start, my career is very different in compared to other career, because it is no have a certain program , Plastic Art no have recipe because there are much field about the interpretation, communication and representation, like the draw, picture, paint, goldsmithing, experimental art, etc. and anyone have clear how can they do next the career or how you can be promoted with all your knowledged in art. In my case, I had lucky for my teacher that I did choose in the workshop experimental art: there are a assistantship, he created one web where all the students of this workshop can upload their jobs, very similar to curriculum or virtual portfolio: it is so necessary because you have a orden with your creation and nex you know what thing  interest for make, All this I wouldn't  like change, is new in compared with other workshop. 

 Also, I would like that my career were just for four years, because I think that the time don´t say if you have all the knowledged, art is discipline and "action" more than just concept so, these you can to have during the work experience.

As you can see, the experimental art you can does your homework with many material since paint, clay or pencil to waste. it is depend of you descourse and investigation that you do about your interests.  But, I would like that my university have a good workshop for to job, many time i couldn´t work in my room because my proposal was big or I needed ventilation  for  type of material.

we always use the technology before the tests, all our homework and proposal is in the web of experimental art, so is very easy next print and to take, for example, my art portfolio. 


jueves, 9 de agosto de 2018

independence day vacation

Independence day vacation

what can I say you about my next holiday in September ? I going to go to visit my relative of south, in Chillan, I think that need travel out Santiago because I never make something different this day, just watch the nacional programming, cook empanadas or play bicycle  to park close to my house. I can´t drink anything alcohol . So, i hope stay in the Chillan for four or five days and next come at home because i have a special work that I must finish in the last week September for a presentation in Recoleta, I have a exhibition about animals endemic in the first Friday of October , is my project personal of this years sponsored by CONADI ( Nacional Corporation  indigenous development. I have working very hard and I would like that everybody go... it is a invitation to you!

I like September not for "the Independence day" only for the spring, the colors in the streets , the flowers, insects and the air that I can breathe, I` m not allergic, I can make different thing like run and lose weight, always in this month happen it, and is stranger, because everybody eat so much. Also, the climate is good, there are hard wind and heat i really love it.
Also, I would like to go with my sister at the mountain of Santiago in Septiembre and walk until arrive someone summit or bathe with pure water that come of the mountain like the "Quebrada of Macul... I don´t know, just I would like do it! 

martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

My pet: Rodolfo

  Hi everyone! 

 Today I speak about Rodolfo, it´s dog and it have six year old and it became to my house four years ago, in April:  when my uncle was father for second time and he needed help because Rodolfo is a dog very naughty and my uncle had fear for her children, because Rodolfo jump and scratched just a bit. Then, my uncle took "his dog" at my house in order to looking after her dog for four months: my uncle never came for his dog... 

When I meet with Rodolfo for first time, it no had name, so with my sister choose a funny name like a person, alway I like the "human names" to pets because I feel that it not is just animals, as well family. However, Rodolfo is like a adopted child very special, always he just to be very obedient, just  call for his name and  he came, he never lose in the road at home and is very cute: he is a little dog, he have tangle hair white and gray, and his nose is the best, is like a black olive

Is ver funny when Rodolfo came of the street and he bring "a present" or "stray food" at his home like: head fish, diaper, little ball, garbage, etc. Rodolfo was a stray dog and for this reason is very intelligent and I love her.